Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blue Mountains and Beyond!

                This Region is included in the state of New South Wales on the southern coasts of Australia.  It supposedly has all the wonders of the country in one central area.  The mountains are vast and green and new scenery in every direction that you gander.  The great blue sea off towards the coast, wheat fields in the valleys, and hints of the desert off to the west.

                In 1770 the eastern half of the country was claimed by a fellow by the name of Captain James Cook.  Not Captain Hook in peter pan but a non-fictional chap that founded the colorful land that our class is soon to see.

As we have learned previously in class the British inmates in that time were sent to places such as this for punishment.  They then developed very prosperous farm lands along the Hawkesbury River and building the state as it is today.

New South Wales has the great city of Sydney which we will make a journey to and learn the history and the mysterious lives of the “Tjapukai” or better known as the people of the rain forest.

New South Wales has the most developed coasts of all the country.  The way of travel along the coasty is very excisable.  There is an extensive rail system which we from the states are not very accustom to.   Their roads are mostly are just simple two lane highways that I’m sure we will have plenty of windshield time going down.

There are many attractions along the great Blue Mountains to speak of.  The mountains highest point is 3600 feet above sea level.  There is a skyway ride that you can take to enjoy all the beautiful sights below.

This is just a preview or a quick flash of what we will see in New South Wales. There will be certainly more to come when we visit this area.