Saturday, June 16, 2012

Australian Overview

  This trip was a chance of a life time.  I was blessed to be able to go to another country and learn the way of their producers.  It was nice that a group of young adults could come together in the means of learning production agriculture from another land.  We had a lot of good stops that individually had a positive influence in my perception of agriculture in other countries. the way that they have the NLIS system in place is amazing. Although they do not have the numbers of cattle that the U.S. has I think the time is coming where that is the direction we will have to go to be competitive.  I learned a lot on this short adventure.  It was a beautiful country with a lot of history.  I enjoyed myself very much when i was there.  I think that every student should take the opportunity like this if it arises.  Thanks to all that helped make this trip a success.  I really enjoyed it

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