Friday, June 8, 2012

                                                               Last Day
    The last day in Australia was one of the best experiences of my life.  We got the opportunity to explore the great Barrier Reef.  After a brief skills training class i was under water breathing out of a pressurized oxygen bottle.  that right i had the opportunity to scuba dive.  it was the neatest thing ever.
     Besides the oriental lady that was calling dinosaurs behind me and awoke me from much needed nap i think that the trip to the reef was the most fun of all the trip.  Although i will not take away from all the great places that we visited to broaden our horizons in the production agriculture world.  I enjoyed learning the ways of other people.  I learned some was of doing things on my place but a lot learning what not to do.  it was a chance of a life time and i am glad that i took that chance.


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