Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tree people      We had an early rise the is morning.  Spent half of the day on a plane.  The rules for security in Australia are a lot more lax than the U.S.  they allowed you to wear your shoes the whole time and let you bring your water or liquids through the gate.  Also Quantis is the best airline ever.  They fed us a meal with only a 3 hour plane ride.      We landed safely in Cairns after a pretty bumpy flight.  We then travels to Tjapukai tribe center.  This aboriginal center is I place to teach people the aboriginal way of life.  There was a presentation about their history that was very interesting.  We got to throw boomerangs and hunting spears.  The best part though was the digeridoo presentation.  It is pretty amazing the noises that you can make with this wooden instrument.   All for today Wimer

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