Thursday, May 24, 2012

  Day 2 Day two started out with a wonderful breakfast at the travel lodge hotel.  Then we took about a mile walk through melbourne and admire all of the wonderful architecture.  Everything is so very different looking.    We made it to the department of primary industries where the state of Victoria's livestock headquarters is.  There we we discussed the importance of   Animal ID systems.  It is mandatory  by the nation that all beef cattle have an EID tag from the day they are born until slaughter.  Although each state is incharge of there own identificatin speculations but nationaly inforced.This program started back in 1996.  This started because of the need to rid the country of brucellosis, TB, and to insure that foot and mouth disease stayed out of their country.  It was very interesting to learn how their industry is more similar to ours than I thought it was.       We then jumped on the bus and toured over to the Victorian WWI memorial.  This building is the largest granit structure in the world.  Here I learned how proud of a country is.  They are very proud Country.  There are walls and walls of medals and memorabilia.      And currently we are at a beer maken place .  And it was a n experience to learn how they make they make there beer.  They make beer 24 hours a day five days a week. The samples were very tasty.  Very tasty.   Signing out  Wimer

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