Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 4    We started the morning off in McDonald's trying to get some blogn done and was barely successful.  After mass confusion of ordering an American meal at an Aussie establishment we were off.  Skippy drove like a mad man and delivered us to Lawson Angus bull stud.       This is the biggest seed stocker operation in all of Australia.  This angus herd ends up selling around 800 bulls every year.  This operation has over 2000 head of mama cows that have a spring and fall calving season.  What's interesting is that their spring calving is at the time when we are fall calves are hitting the ground, and visa versa.       There is a lot of Gardiner influence in the herd here.  They have taken info from the family and made it work over hare.  The partnership between these to operations is very unique.  Harry Lawson was sure to include his success in Australia is possible by the help from the states.       We visited on of the operation sites where they grow their bulls.  They have a sort of intense grazing system.  They are continuously doing pasture replanting with perineal rye grasses for the summer months.  They graze these paddocks with a one bulls per acre management system.  It is intensely managed to ensure 1 kilo of growth per day.  Very interesting trip.      We then traveled on to a commercial Hereford operation about an hour away to Lima park where we saw a commercial Hereford operation.  Hamish McMillan also manages 3000 head of cross bred ewes.  They try to have two and a half lambs every year.       This commercial operation is focused on lbs per head in both species.   He has one of the fastest Hereford heds that I have ever laid my eyes on.  He one had a cow the was 2400 lbs.  Thats a BB.  His management ideas were very practical for just one other soal helping in the operation.      The sheep are a combo breed.  He is unique in the sense that he leaves the fleece on the sheep in the summer and sheers during the onset of the winter months.  The wool is sold to pay for the fertilizer costs that are spread on the paddocks.      Headed to Albury now it was a good day down under. Signing out Michael 

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